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‘BioAesthetics Open Lab.’
metaPhorest (Waseda University BioAesthetics Platform)

May 25, 2013–March 2, 2014


metaPhorest, a platform for experimentation, research and production in the realm of “life” themed art/aesthetics (bio art, bio media art, biological art, bioaesthetics) in reference to developments in bioscience and the theory of life,was installed in 2007 in a biological laboratory at the Center for Advanced Biomedical Sciences, Waseda University.

It provides opportunities for artists and designers with an interest in artistic expression focusing on aspects of life, to stay and work for relatively long periods of time at the scene of bioscientific research, while sharing experimental facilities and seminars with scientists. The main emphasis of their endeavors is on multilateral research and expression of the connection between arts and sciences revolving around life, along with the respective social, intellectual and cultural foundations, carried out through active exchange with artists and researchers in Japan and abroad.

This exhibition introduces in four consecutive parts the achievements of two artists each that currently or recently stayed and worked at metaPhorest. An open laboratory is planned to be set up during the exhibition period for visitors to observe the artists' production and experimentation.

*The title "metaPhorest" carries multiple connotations, such as “metaphor + forest,” “meta-forest,” and “super-metaphor.”



During the exhibition, a laboratory is open for artists and researchers who observe and / or create biological media, such as cells, bacteria and plants. When you see someone who is working on this space, please do not hesitate to talk to them. (metaPhorest)


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