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NTT InterCommunication Center (ICC) is a cultural facility run by NTT East Corp, which opened on April 19th 1997, inside of the Tokyo Opera City Tower in Nishi Shinjuku, Tokyo, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of telephony in Japan.

By facilitating a dialogue between science, technology, and artistic culture we hope to become a center for network and information exchange, connecting artists and scientists worldwide.

NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC]

What is ICC?

The development of ICC's conceptual and practical framework began from 1990, almost 8 years before the facility was to open. In this preparatory period, the ICC held many art and science-related events, as well as initiating publication of the journal InterCommunication.

Since its founding, the ICC has introduced leading-edge technologies in media art works including virtual reality and interactive multimedia, as well as holding format and category-defying exhibitions, introducing experimental trials and programs including workshops, performances, symposiums, and publications.

Core Project

Exhibitions Highlighting the Diversity of Our Media Environment

In addition to long-term displays introducing a variety of media art and other works created within present-day media environments, ICC also hosts regular events including annual kids’ programs during the summer holidays, as well as special exhibitions focusing on individual artists or specific themes.

Upper: John WOOD and Paul HARRISON: Some Things Are Hard to Explain (2015) / Photo: KIOKU Keizo
Lower Left: NAKAZAWA Hideki “Essay on Invisible Functions” 1996 / Photo: KIOKU Keizo
Lower Right: SUZUKI Yuri “Garden of Russolo” 2013 / Photo: KIOKU Keizo

Events For Engaging New Concepts and Practices

During exhibitions the ICC holds artist talks and performances to facilitate a deeper understanding of the works on view. We also hold lectures and public discussions, performances, and symposiums, inviting key figures domestic and international to participate in our Open Salons. These events are also streamed on the Internet.

Upper: Open Salon Artists’ Talk & Performance Pe LANG (2013)
Lower: Open Salon Barbara LONDON Special Talk “Video Visionaries: What’s Technology Got to Do with It?” (2014)


Educational Activities

The ICC has educational activities for all ages. In Gallery Tours, the curatorial staff explain exhibited works, and in artist Workshops and Seminars the themes of specific ICC events are explored. ICC also serves as a forum to exhibit examples of public and private sector media related research and development.

Upper: ARART Workshop (2013)
Lower Left: Scene of Gallery tour for “Open Space 2014”
Lower Right: Workshop: Let’s make a wondrous camera! (2011)

ICC 5F HIVE corner

An Archive of ICC's Myriad Activities

The ICC HIVE is a visual archive which enables visitors to view video art pieces, interviews with artists, scientists, architects and critics, videos of previous exhibitions, symposiums, talks, and live events from throughout the ICC collection at viewing devices on the 5th floor, as well as on the HIVE website. ICC's myriad activities are also documented in real-time via online activities such as podcasting, blogs, and web projects.