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KOMACHIYA Kei “Materia ex machina”

November 23, 2007–March 9, 2008


Technology and science have been the defining factors of artistic expressions in the history of painting. The codes and conventions of perspective that were evolved during the Renaissance, Newton’s optics, painting colors in aluminum tube developed in the mid-19th century, and Munsell color system are such fine examples. One can only image their surprise when people encountered paintings with colors, techniques, and themes that have never been seen.

The installation featured here is a new form of painting with techniques and medium discovered in a digital world. It can be categorized as a media art utilizing new media such as digital technology and 3D printer. KOMACHIYA is involved in a research project “Creating a 21st Century Art Form Based on Digital Media” hosted by CREST and JST and he continues to explore possibilities of expression through digital medium as a newly discovered form of painting material. Developing a new form of painting medium takes on the challenge of new expression. It widens the range of our visual experience and provides opportunities to consider the meanings of expression and viewing experience in the new media.

Supported by:
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) Foundation of technology supporting the creation of digital media contents Core research of evolutional science and technology (CREST)"Creating a 21st Century Art form Based on Digital Media"
Oil Painting Simulator Development team(Tokyo Institute of Technology & Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music): Suguru Saito, Yuta Okabe, Jun Kubota, Tetsuo Shima, Hideki Yamada, Youngha Chang,Yuka Ito, Keisuke Nonaka, Kei Komachiya, Takahiro Miura
DICO Co., Ltd.




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