How do humans discern their own and other people’s faces? At this exhibition, a photograph of the visitor’s face is taken at the venue, and displayed alongside nine variations of the same shot, with positions and sizes of eyes, brows, nose and mouth, and the face’s overall shape respectively altered. Through the process of finding the “real” one among the ten pictures based on one’s own memory, visitors are inspired to reflect on the mechanisms of recognizing and remembering faces, while at once finding out how precise their memories of their own faces are.
Planning: WATANABE Junji (NTT Communication Science Laboratories, NTT Service Evolution Laboratories)
Technical support: YOSHIDA Shigeo (Cyber Interface Laboratory at The University of Tokyo*), KAWASE Yuji (Cyber Interface
Laboratory at The University of Tokyo*)
Cooperation in experience design: The Japanese Psychonomic Society (JPS) Committee for developing teaching materials for
junior high school students
Cooperation in system development: KAWANABE Toru (art and program, Inc.)
* The affiliation of each is as of 2016.