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Contemporary technology has opened the door to the unconscious-Truly outstanding architecture can completely demolish systems-We are undeniably about to enter a certain age-Only when all forms of desire and interpretation have been extinguished do the true functions of architecture and art come into play. (From the ICC Interview Series)

Born in 1946 in Poland, studied music in Israel, architecture at The Cooper Union in New York and the University of Essex in England; taught at universities in the United States and Europe; and from 1978 to 1985 he served as the head of the School of Architecture at Cranbrook Academy of Art. From 1986 to 1989 he founded and directed Architecture Intermundium in Milan, Italy. In 1994 he became a professor in the Department of Architecture of the University of California at Los Angeles.
In the 1987, I.B.A. Berlin International Building Competition, his "City Edge" was unanimously ranked first among the entries. This project was later put on hold, but a different project, the Jewish Museum Berlin, was realized, and completed in 1999. Libeskind is an American citizen, but maintains his architectural studio in the Kreuzberg district of Berlin, near the former Berlin Wall. He is currently engaged in a number of major projects, including the extensions to the Denver Art Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.



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