Moderator: HATANAKA Minoru (ICC)
TANIGUCHI Akihiko Artists’ Talk
Saturday, August 1, 2015, 2:00pm–
Date: Saturday, August 1, 2015, 2:00pm–
Target participants: Junior high school students and above
Venue: ICC 4F special stage
Capacity: 150 persons (first-come basis)
Admission free
Organizer: NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC]
Born 1983. Completed studies at the Graduate School of Tama Art University. Using self-built devices and software, he has been creating works in a variety of formats in the realms of media art, net art, live performance, video and sculpture among others. Together with WATANABE Tomoya, he is also active as a member of the "Omoide Yokocho Academy of Media Arts and Sciences (OAMAS)" exploring the art form of media art in theory and practice. Main exhibitions include "[Internet Art Future]: Reality in Post Internet Era" (ICC, 2012), "objects thinking too much" (Iidabashi Bunmei, 2013), "Open Space 2014" (ICC, 2014), etc.