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July 22–October 2, 2005


Date : July 22–October 2, 2005
Venue : NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC] 2005 Gallery A, B, 5F Lobby, Entrance Lobby
Hours: 10:00am-6:00pm (Admission until 30 minutes before closing)
Closed: Mondays (If Monday is a holiday, then Tuesday / open on August 8) , August 7(Sunday)
Admission Fee (Tax included) : Adults 800 Yen (600Yen)
University/ High school students 600 Yen (450 Yen)
Junior high school/ Primary school students 400 Yen (300Yen)
Rates shown in parcheses are for groups of more than 14 persons.

Organizer : NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC]

Cooperation : musee d'Art Contemporain de Lyon, Converssation & Company Ltd.


“The Voice of Authority” [1986]

“Heartbeat” [1986]

“The Clone (“What You Mean We?” excerpt)” [1986]

“Headknock” [1980]

“Cassette in Mouth” [1978/2002]

“Hearring” [1997]

“Viophonograph” from “For Instants” [1977]

“Viophonograph” [1977]

“Wordfall” [2005]

“Whirlwind” [1996]

“Mudra” [1972]

“New York Times Horizontal / China Times Vertical (I & II)” [1971/2001]

“Absent in the Present (Looking into a Mirror Sideways)” [1975]

“Note / Tone” [1978]

“Chord for a Room” [1972]

“Duet for Door Jamb” [1976]

“Numbers Runners” [1978]

“Two Track Song for Sliding Door / Doormat Love Song” [1977]

Drawing for “Handphone Table” [1978]

“Quadraphonic Acoustic Shadows” [1978]

“Acoustic Lens” [1977]

“Windbook” [1974]

“Car Horn Concert” [1972]

“Stereo Decoy” [1977]

“Words in Reverse” [1979]

“Talking Pillow” [1977/1985]

“Institutional Dream Series” [1972-1973]

“Handbook” [1974]

“Light in August” [1974/2002]

“Drum Suit” Drawing [1985]

“Drum Dance” [1985]

“Language Is a Virus” [1986]

“Sharkey’s Day” [1984]

“O Superman” [1981]

“Tilt” [1994]

“Handphone Table” [1978]

“Connections” [1996]

“Puppet Motel” [1995]

“As: If” set drawings [1974]

“In the Nick of Time” set drawings [1974]

“Singing Purse” [1975]

“The Electric Chair” [1977]

“Talking Candle” from “For Instants” [1975]

“Projection Dress” (from “Songs and Stories for the Insomniac”) [1975]

Set from “Dublin” [1977]

“The Color Red” [1983]

“Plughead” [1983]

“The Red Carpet” [1983]

“Diving Board 1 & 2” [1983]

“Video Double Photograph from “Nerve Bible”” [1995]

“Tech Diagram for “United States 1-4”” [1983]

“Singing Skirt” [1996]

“Headlight Glasses from “United States”” [1983]

“Bodysynth” [1993]

Tornado set drawing for “Stories from the Nerve Bible” [1992]

“Floating Theater” diagrams [1988]

“Animatronic Narration” [1996]

“Cassette in Mouth” diagram [1978]

“Three Types of Glasses” [1980]

“The Parrot (Your Fortune One $)” [1996]

“Jukebox” [1977/2002]

“Hologram Bow” [1980/2002]

“‘From Pictures of It’ — Drawing for Fake Hologram” [1977]

“Duets on Ice” [1975]

“Self-Playing Violin” [1974]

“Digital Violin” [1984]

Costume sketches from “Songs and Stories from Moby Dick” [1995]

“Moby Dick Digital Drawings” [1998]

“Born, Never Asked (1 & 2)” [1980]

“Video Double Rock” [1977]

“White on White” [1979]

“Quartet for Sol LeWitt” [1977]

“Stereo Song for Steven Weed” [1977]

“Talking Stick video” [1998]

“Talking Stick” [1998]

“Tape Bow Trio” [1977]

“Tape Bow Violin” [1977]

“Neon Bow” [1980]

“Neon Bow (“United States 1-4” at BAM)” [1983]

“Neon Violin” [1983]

“Video Bow Photograph” [1995]

“Video Bow Drawing” [1993]

“Video Bow” [1993]

“Dummy” [1992]

“Slow Scan Animation” [1977/2002]

“Songs for Lines / Songs for Waves” [1977]

“Phase-Shape (from “Like a Stream”)” [1978]

“Slow Scan (performing “A Man A Woman A House A Tree”)” [1977]

“At the Shrink’s” [1975/1997]

“Dark Dogs / American Dreams” [1980]

“Transportation” at Carnegie Hall [1978]

“Unprocessed Clone” [1986]


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