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FUTURE CINEMA - The Cinematic Imaginary after Film

December 12, 2003–February 29, 2004


Date: December 12, 2003–February 29, 2004
Venue: NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC] Gallery A, B
Hours: 11:00am–6:00pm (Admission until 30 minutes before closing)
Closed: Mondays (If Monday is a holiday, then Tuesday), December 29–January 5, February 8.

Admission Fee: Adults 800 (600) Yen, University / High school students 600 (450) Yen, Junior high school / Primary school students 400 (300) Yen
*Rates shown in parentheses are for groups of more than 14 persons.

Organizer: NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC]

Supported by ZKM (Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany), KIASMA, SINCOL

The Exhibition is produced by ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany
Curated by Jeffrey SHAW and Peter WEIBEL


“Film before Film (Was geschah wirklich zwischen den Bildern?)” [1986]

“Pioneers of Interactive Czech Films (50s-60s)” [2002]

“Variable Montage” [2002]

“Web-Cinema Programm: An Historical Anthology of Web Cinema Shorts, 1997–2002” [2002]

“17 Internet Projects” [2002]

“Horror Chase” [2002]

“Tracing the Decay of Fiction: Encounters with a Film by Pat O’NEILL” [2002]

“z2 [zuse strip]” [2002]

“Instant Places” [2002]

“BE ME” [2002]

“One-Person Touchscreen Cinema Showing 14 Interactive Movies” [1995-2002]

“Le Petit manuel interactif” [2001]

“So. So. So. Somebody, Somewhere, Some Time” [2002]

“MetaPlex” [2002]

“Church on Fifth Avenue” [2001]

“Illuminated Average #1 Hitchcock’s Psycho” [2000]

“Motion and Rest #1” [2001]

“Motion and Rest #5” [2002]

“Field-Work@Alsace” [2002]

“Language Willing” [2002]

“Pedestrian” [2002]

“Miss World” [2002]


“Mission to Earth — Soft Cinema edition” [2003]

“SweetStalking” [2001]

“Defile” [2001]

“The Panoptic Society or Immortally in Love with Death” [2001]

“Anarchive 2: Digital Snow” [2002]

“UNMOVIE” [2002]


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