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“Vibro-phone ‘Furue’” [2016]

Production: NTT Communication Science Laboratories


Vibro-phone “Furue” is an interactive exhibition that proposes a new form of communication through vibration, in which participants wear vibration speakers on their bellies and backs, and send each other messages in the form of (Japanese) onomatopoeia that “feel as if punching through the belly.”

Production: NTT Communication Science Laboratories
Planning: WATANABE Junji (NTT Communication Science Laboratories, NTT Service Evolution Laboratories)
Production cooperation: YASU Kentaro (NTT Communication Science Laboratories), FUKUDA Yoshimi (NTT Network Service
Systems Laboratories), ANDO Hideyuki (Osaka University)
Cooperation in content production: SAWAI Taeji (Sound & Frequency Design), URAKAWA Toru (Programmer, Qosmo), NISHIDA
Sergio (Art director, TWOTONE), ASANO Naoyuki (Animator)
Cooperation in direction and production: NAKED Inc.
Equipment support: NTT East Chiba Division
Special Thanks: NTT Ultra Future Expo 2016



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