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“objects thinking too much” [2013/14]



“objects thinking too much” is a series of sculptures combining daily commodities, iPads, iPhones and other objects. The artist defines iPads and iPhones as daily commodities as well, and uses only standard applications pre-installed in these mobile devices. Objects at this exhibition include an iPad swaying in the wind of a fan while showing animated images of tissue paper flowing in the breeze; an iPad with a magnet attached to its back, showing on its display a reversed map; and an iPad on the surface of which water flows from time to time while entries are being made in the device’s notepad. Here the relationships between the real world and “occurrences” shown on the displays are intentionally presented in an obscured state.

As typified by video chatting (that is also part of this work), smartphones and tablets can be understood as windows for viewing a world outside the “here and now.” At the same time, such mobile devices contain functions that emphasize the illusion of actually being “here and now,” like when viewing the world through the iPad’s camera lens, or using a map application to know one’s present location. In that sense, the relationship between things occurring in reality and those occurring on displays may be not as obvious as it seems. Watching these works and raveling out how their respective components are connected will surely inspire visitors to figure out the relationships between themselves and their belongings.



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