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“insen live (short)” [2009]

alva noto + ryuichi sakamoto


SAKAMOTO Ryuichi and Carsten NICOLAI met for the first time in 1998 in Tokyo, and through a collaboration between SAKAMOTO and alva noto (NICOLAI’s pseudonym) launched in 2002, they created and released the five works which comprise the “V.I.R.U.S.” series: “vrioon” (2002), “insen” (2005), “revep” (2006), “utp_” (2009), and “summvs” (2011). These pieces showcase the possibilities of joint performances incorporating both electronica music and acoustic instruments, realized in this case via SAKAMOTO’s piano performances and NICOLAI’s electrnoic audio.

The second collaborative piece in the series, “insen,” comprises video footage of performances in Porto, Portugal and Barcelona, Spain, which feature simple stage sets and music accompanied by abstract-video visuals.

Directed by Carsten GEBHARDT




List of Works