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“altag” [2017]

Planning and production: NOZAWA Yukio + WADA Natsumi


“altag” is a system in which objects are tagged with sounds. As opposed to the generation of sounds through contact of moving objects in a physical space, which seem to be outlining these objects’ shapes, actual objects are tagged with sounds and names, as an attempt to redesign our understanding of the world based on sound as a core element.

To experience this work, visitors wear hoods that cover the eyes, and move in an acoustic/haptic labyrinth by relying on the senses of touch and hearing only. Located and touched based on sounds perceived via headphones, objects in the exhibition space reveal qualities quite different from those we recognize when perceiving the same objects by the sense of vision.

This work was realized in collaboration with sound designer NOZAWA Yukio, who creates sound games focusing on the creation of spaces with elements of sound. Ideas developed as part of the DDDproject were updated for display at this exhibition.

Planning and production: NOZAWA Yukio + WADA Natsumi
DDDproject members: OKADA Kenichi, KAKEHI Yasuaki, KATO Hideyuki, TANAKA Miyuki, NOZAWA Yukio, WADA Natsumi



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