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Press Release


April 25, 2019

Open Space 2019: Alternative Views

Date: May 18, 2019–March 1, 2020
Venue: NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC]

Exhibition Information

Date: May 18, 2019–March 1, 2020
Venue: NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC]
Hours: 11:00am–6:00pm
Closed: Mondays (If Monday is a holiday, then Tuesday), Maintenance day (August 4 and February 9), The year-end and New Year Holidays (December 28 to January 6)
Admission free
Organizer: NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC] (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corporation)
Address: Tokyo Opera City Tower 4F, 3-20-2 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 163-1404 Japan
Access: 2 minutes walk from Hatsudai Station East Exit on the Keio New Line
Inquiries: Toll-free Telephone 0120-144199 (Domestic only)

* Opening hours and holidays are subject to change. Please visit the ICC website for up-to-date information.

A space that combines ICC’s diverse functions, Open Space integrates galleries, a mini theater, and the video archive “HIVE.” Since its launch in 2006, the exhibition has been held as an admission-free event with changing contents each year. Based on the mission of ICC, it aims to function as an open platform where possibilities of communication culture and art created with the help of advanced technologies can be presented to a large number of people.

Exhibition Outline

“Open Space” is a series of exhibitions designed to introduce works of media art and other forms of artistic expression born out of today’s media environments, to a broad audience. On display are leading works from the realm of media art; artworks incorporating cutting-edge technologies and/or expressing critical standpoints; works by promising young artists; and in addition, projects that are currently in progress at various research institutions. Accompanied by explanatory notes that help understand the respective pieces, exhibits are not only presented to view and enjoy, but the series at large aims to encourage visitors to think about backgrounds and contexts such as today’s diversified forms of media and communication, technology-driven contemporary society, future prospects, and in addition, new sensibilities and aesthetics.

The exhibition in 2019 is titled “Open Space 2019: Alternative Views.” Inspired by the way our ideas and perceptions are continuously updated through alternative views of the world that we have been adopting, this exhibition attempts to approach the world and technology in particular in different ways, and present alternative views of all kinds of things by way of media.

Also on the schedule during the exhibition period are a number of related programs including talk sessions, lectures, symposia and workshops with artists and experts, as well as guided tours around the exhibits with explanations by the curatorial staff. In addition, various related events with international guests are planned to be held in cooperation between NTT laboratories and other cultural institutions.

“Open Space” was launched in 2006 as a series of gallery exhibitions with annually changing themes and contents, as well as free access to other facilities including the small theater and the “HIVE” video archive. According to the general philosophy behind ICC’s activities, the series was installed as an open showcase introducing the possibilities of art and communication incorporating cutting-edge technologies to a broad audience.

Exhibiting Artists

AOYAGI Natsumi / IWAI Toshio / UMEDA Hiroaki / OKA Tomomi / GOTO Akinori / JODI / Shinseungback Kimyonghun / Gregory BARSAMIAN / HOSOI Miyu / MANABE Daito + SAKAMOTO Yoichi + ISHII Tatsuya / MIKAMI Seiko / Rosa MENKMAN

Collaboration Project

Research Complex NTT R&D @ICC

emergencies!—introducing emerging and prospective artists

emergencies! 037 OYAIZU Saori
Date: May 18–August 3, 2019

emergencies! 038 TAMAKI Akiko
Date: September 3–November 17, 2019 (tentative)

emergencies! 039 KAMIMURA Yoichi
Date: December 10, 2019–March 1, 2020 (tentative)


HIVE is the video archive of ICC. On HIVE terminals in ICC’s premise, one can access to the digitalized video archive such as ICC video art collection, interviews with various artists, and wide-ranging activities of ICC since its opening in 1997—exhibitions, symposia, artist talks, live events and workshops. Additionally, some of the above video archive are also available in the web version of HIVE ( that launched in June 2006. They are provided to the users under a Creative Commons Lisence, which allow users to make their own creative uses with the video materials for non-profits. By this initiative, we intend to disclose our resource in an open way.


NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC]

TEL: 03-5353-0800 FAX: 03-5353-0900

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