Using 8K technology to produce ultrahigh-definition images, NHK has been working to record and pass down precious cultural assets and artwork to future generations. NHK and NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC] will be co-organizing Discovering the Louvre in 8K: Exquisite Art Experience that Transcends Space.
The greatest treasures from the Louvre, including masterpieces like the Venus de Milo, The Winged Victory of Samothrace, and the Mona Lisa, will be projected on a 325-inch LED 8K monitor for an exquisite art experience. In close-up images, visitors can see the paintings in detail as if they had dived into them, as they would not be able to experience even if they visited the Louvre.
NHK has captured many precious images from the Louvre Museum in 8K. The images will be presented in 8K ultrahigh-definition on a 325-inch (7,200 mm wide x 4,050 mm high) monitor. (Approx. 20 minutes)
(Major works include the Venus de Milo, The Winged Victory of Samothrace, the Mona Lisa, The Coronation of Napoleon, and the Madonna of Chancellor Rolin)
At the venue, you can enjoy an audio guide in which you can listen to the explanation of the work on your smartphone.
Navigator: UMEHARA Yuichiro (voice actor)
* When using the audio guide, we recommend using your own earphones.
* Smartphones and earphones are not lent at the venue.
* The audio guide is provided only in Japanese.