Date: Every Saturday between February 18–March 17, 2012, 11:30am–5:20pm *on each day
Venue: ICC 4F Theater
Capacity: 27 persons
Admission free
Organizer: NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC]
Screening program related to “emergencies! 018” in “Open Space 2011” TSUDA Michiko Video Works
Every Saturday between February 18–March 17, 2012, 11:30am–5:20pm *on each day
Works, Total duration: 48 min.
"round around the center of view"video, SD, 4:3, Silent, Color, 3 min. 0 sec., 2007
"Yeu & Mo – strip"video, SD, 4:3, Sound, Color, 1 min. 16 sec., 2007
"Yeu & Mo – glass"video, SD, 4:3, Sound, Color, 38 sec., 2007
"Yeu & Mo – here there"video, SD, 4:3, Sound, Color, 57 sec., 2007
"Yeu & Mo – family"video, SD, 4:3, Sound, Color, 1 min. 9 sec., 2007
"Yeu & Mo – Arrangement of the Boxes"video, SD, 4:3, Sound, Color, 8 min. 40 sec., 2007
"Yeu & Mo – Arrangement of the Lines"video, HD, 16:9, Sound, Color, 4 min. 46 sec., 2008
"Yeu & Mo – Arrangement of the Lines #02"video, HD, 16:9, Sound, Color, 4 min. 56 sec., 2009
"HACHIOJI : HOLE IN GAP – the crossing of the zebra time"video, SD, 4:3, Sound, Color, 12 min. 32 sec., 2008
"A VISITOR FROM LOOKING-GLASS"video, HD, 16:9, Sound, Color, 10 min. 49 sec., 2011