NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC] is pleased to hold the "Vibrations of Entities" exhibition.
German animator Oskar FISCHINGER (1900–67), who is famous for his collaboration with Walt DISNEY in the early stages of production for the animated musical film masterpiece "Fantasia" (1940), once said that, "Everything in the world has its own spirit, and this spirit becomes audible by setting it into vibration." This statement can be said to be a reminder that the origin of the word "animation" is animare (meaning "to breathe life into"), but more than that it can be said to imply that all kinds of objects contain an energy dwelling within them. Ever since being inspired by FISCHINGER's words, American composer John CAGE continually sought out the sound dwelling within objects, attempting to draw out the sound of from within things that cannot be seen and things that cannot be heard. He did this not by striking a certain "thing" but by intensifying his efforts to listen to the energy within the "thing." Although it is well known that light and sound are kinds of oscillatory phenomenon, within relationships between people, for example, we may exceed our perception and sense something akin to sympathetic energy that cannot be perceived as physical pulsations. In this exhibition we intend to introduce works that express an "invisible power" that can be interpreted broadly in relation to various vibrations in the form of energies and phenomena such as these.