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OpenSky 2.0 HACHIYA Kazuhiko

December 15, 2006–March 11, 2007


HACHIYA Kazuhiko, who was born in 1966, has created an innovative group of works related to communication and realizing one's dreams. Earlier works include "Inter Dis-Communication Machine" (1993), a pair of devices that exchange points of view between two persons, so that the wearers see through each other's eyes, and "AirBoard" (1999, 2001), a jet-powered, real-life version of the hoverboard seen in the film "Back to the Future". He also proposed the "PostPet" e-mail software and provides direction for its development. His career as an artist in the inventor mode has made HACHIYA a well-known media artist.

HACHIYA launched OpenSky in 2003 as a project to create a single-person flying machine. The project is currently progressing towards its ultimate goal of achieving a feasible personal jet glider. Phase one was the basic design of the craft and experiments with a model of it; phase two was experimental production of the actual craft and trial flights at low altitudes. The project is about to enter phase 3, manned flight with the glider equipped with a jet engine.

This exhibition will focus on the OpenSky project, presenting the model and full-scale craft, its concept, and a vast collection of video recordings of experiments to date. It will also allow visitors to experience the flight simulator and the sounds of the jet engine in a multifaceted presentation that provides a comprehensive view of the project.

What seemed the dream of individual flight is, as the OpenSky project demonstrates, achievable precisely through a single person's creation of this aircraft. In doing so, the artist frees the idea of soaring through the skies at will from the realm of fantasy.

Date: December 15, 2006–March 11, 2007
Venue: NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC] Gallery A etc.
Hours: 10:00am–6:00pm (Admission until 30 minutes before closing)
Closed: Mondays (If Monday is a holiday, then Tuesday), the year-end and New Year holidays (December 28–January 4), Maintenance day (February 11)
Admission Fee : Adults / University students 500Yen (400Yen) , High school students 300Yen (200Yen), Admission Free for Junior high school students and younger
*Rates shown in parentheses are for groups of more than 14 persons

Organizer: NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC]
Cooperation: Microsoft Corporation, Tokyo Color Kogei-sha
Production Support: Aircraft OLYMPOS Ltd., PetWORKs Co., Ltd., Mujin-to Production Co., Ltd.



HACHIYA Kazuhiko

Media artist.
A native of Saga, he was born on April 18 (appropriately enough, Invention Day), 1966. After graduating from the Faculty for Visual Communication Design, Kyushu Institute of Design, he had worked for a consulting company, and started SMTV, a private TV station unit, as his art activity.
His works include the special communication tool series, with Inter Dis-communication Machine and Seeing Is Believing, and many with special functions such as AirBoard, a jet-powered skateboard, and OpenSky.

The developer of PostPet e-mail software, he is a representative director of PetWORKs, engaging in development and direction of PostPet-related software.

HACHIYA Kazuhiko Website ( )

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