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Channel ICC


Exhibiting artists talk about their art works and recent activities.


TSUDA Michiko
[Interviews of Exhibiting Artists in ICC Annual 2023: Shapes of Things]

October 17, 2023

* in Japanese | Photo: Yuji Oku

TSUDA Michiko
[Interviews of Exhibiting Artists in ICC Annual 2023: Shapes of Things]

Exhibiting artists in “ICC Annual 2023: Shapes of Things” talk about their artworks and recent activities.

00:16— Overview of the works
00:41— Production process and background of the work
03:30— About the illustration work, “Tokyo Shigusa­­: Putting her hand on her hair and looking back” and “Tokyo Shigusa: Standing up”
04:50— About the work “Tokyo Shigusa: Daughter’s lines” that projected the lines from Ozu's film
06:00— About the artwork experience
06:35— Self introduction
07:59— Future production