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“The Other in You” [2017]



“The Other in You” is a video installation that was conceived as an update to the experience of watching contemporary dance, combining elements of virtual reality (VR), 3D computer graphics and 3D audio effects. Up to now, the conventional way of watching a piece of contemporary dance has been to sit in the audience and watch the behavior of dancers on the stage of a theater. This installation suggests an entirely new form of experiencing dance, based on a renewed awareness of the act of viewing from a physical point of view. Visitors are encouraged to immerse themselves in the piece to observe it from the inside, as if being on the stage together with the performers.

For an immediate, haptic experience of the dynamic quality of dance, visitors wear head-mounted displays and watch the piece while touching white spherical touch devices with their hands. In a virtual space, they witness the performance while being on the same stage as avatars of the dancers created by 3D computer graphics. When their first-person perspective shifts to a third-person view in the process, and the boundaries between “self” and “other” are altered, this results in an out-of-body kind of experience of viewers watching themselves dance.

The appearance of their own bodies in a VR environment, and the subsequent shift of perspectives, enables viewers to discover the “other” in themselves. The title of this work directly reflects the artist’s idea of the experience as a form of expression through which one explores the other in oneself, and oneself in the other.

Concept / Directed by OWAKI Richi (YCAM InterLab)
Co-developed with YCAM InterLab
Dance: TSUJIMOTO Tomohiko
Music / Sound Design: UCHIHASHI Kazuhisa
Sound System Engineering: NAKAUE Junji (YCAM InterLab), ITO Takayuki (YCAM InterLab)
Sound Recording: NAKAUE Junji (YCAM InterLab), ANDO Mitsuhito (YCAM InterLab)
Visual Programming / System Direction: HIGA Satoru
CG Direction: YOONG Takeshi (Jitto), KOMATSU Tai (Cai)
CG cooperation: TAKAHARA Fumie (YCAM InterLab), OTA Taku
Sensing System Operation: IWATANI Nariaki (anno lab)
Motion Analysis: SHIMIZU Takuto
Helmet for HMD: ANDO Mitsuhito (YCAM InterLab)
Technical Management: IWATA Takuro Iwata (YCAM InterLab)
Production Management: Clarence NG (YCAM InterLab)
Technical Support: NISHIMURA Etsuko, Yanobutai
Coordination: IFUKU Kyoko, KITAHORI Asumi (YCAM InterLab)
Supervisor: ITO Takayuki (YCAM InterLab)
Curator: TAKESHITA Akiko (YCAM InterLab)
Commission work of Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM]



Related Information

It takes about several minutes for each session and visitors who can experience this installation, one at a time. Thus the number of visitors is limited.

Please note that, depending on the number of reservations already made when you arrive at the ICC, you may not be able to experience it on that day.
Reservation tickets are issued at the site, and visitors will be called in turn according to the numbers on their tickets.

Appropriate for 13 years old and above.

List of Works