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“Talked” [2018]



For this work, the artist analyzed log records of text messages exchanged between several couples in Tokyo via a messaging application. The resulting video illustrates in images of varying resolution the “differences” that crystallize in the course of the text-based dialogues between the respective conversation partners.

We talked in different rhythms
We talked with different perceptions
We talked in different terms

In the realm of our conversation

Direction, data analyzation, programming: URAKAWA Toru (Qosmo / Dentsu Lab Tokyo)
Cast: Kaoruko, KANESADA Kazusa
Director of photography: INAGAKI Kenichi
Music: SAWAI Taeji
Art direction: OKAMURA Naomi (Dentsu Lab Tokyo)
Logo design: HATA Yurie
Supervisor (1st and 2nd part): WATANABE Junji (NTT Communication Science Laboratories)
Special thanks: suzzken



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