A laser projector and camera are mounted on a computer-controlled industrial robotic arm. The camera films the video of computer graphics projected onto miniature models in real-time.
A unique sense of reality and presence can be achieved in a space by using a production method called projection mapping, which involves changing the surface texture of buildings and three-dimensional objects by projecting images onto them. Generally, the relationship between the support, such as a building, and the image is fixed: the shape and position of objects receiving the projection are determined before superimposing tailor-made projected images onto them. But in this work, not only the camera but also the objects that receive the projection remain unfixed. As the models move, the generated computer graphics change as well. The miniature pieces are designed to move en masse through a single power supply. The camera automatically generates signals for synthesis while filming, thus enabling the images to be projected without fixing the objects receiving the projection.
Music: Yakushimaru Etsuko Metro Orchestra “Shonen yo Ware ni Kaere”
Cooperation: Color Kinetics Japan Incorporated