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“My%20Desktop OSX10.4” [2007]



The images changing with bewildering speed on the Macintosh computer desktop projected on the big screen make it look as though something is broken. Folders and files reduplicate endlessly. Each click of the mouse opens a series of windows. Error messages fill the screen. The constant beeping and frequent voice comments from the speech synthesizer add to the impression that this is a recording of a computer run amuck.

Bugs and errors mean that computers are always prone to having something go wrong. If, for example, the hard disk crashes. This work, however, reflects a new aesthetic sensibility that sees beauty in errors. It adopts a positive attitude toward what happens when a hard disk crash, for example, causes the screen to go crazy and draws our attention to the noise that “glitches” in digital processing cause in computer music. All of JODI’s works celebrate the aesthetics of failure. In this case, however, the random actions of the computer, which might be mistaken for computer-generated errors, are in fact the result of a human hand moving the cursor, clicking and dragging. We are seeing an extraordinary performance in which the desktop is played by a talented Video Jockey (VJ).



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