““Daily Life Elsewhere” for 4 speakers and an operator” [2015–16]
OKUBO Motoki
““Daily Life Elsewhere” for 4 speakers and an operator”
from the left: ““Policy Art” for 8 anagram machines and an operator” 2015, ““Harmoniz-ou” for Tsuji Organ of Gifu-Salamanca” 2015, ““Daily Life Elsewhere” for 4 speakers and an operator” 2015–16 / Photo: KIOKU Keizo
from the left: ““Policy Art” for 8 anagram machines and an operator” 2015, ““Harmoniz-ou” for Tsuji Organ of Gifu-Salamanca” 2015, ““Daily Life Elsewhere” for 4 speakers and an operator” 2015–16 / Photo: KIOKU Keizo