Anonymous Life
"Ask for a Trade" 1993
photo: KIOKU Keizo
This video shot on the road in New York shows the artist heading for a friend's house while trading his own clothes for those of people he meets along the way. TAKAMINE takes off the clothes, shoes, hats and other items he wears right on the street, and changes to other people's garments on the spot. While the process of changing outfits suggests acts of stripping off one's identity and temporarily putting on various other people's identities, the scenes captured by the camera are at once hilariously funny to watch.
Born 1968 in Kagoshima. Presently lives in Shiga. Graduated from the lacquer work department of Kyoto City University of Arts, and from the International Academy of Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS). Has been involved in works by the group Dumb Type since the early 1990s. His artistic endeavors extend over a wide range of media including installation, video, photography, performance and others. Engages in various collaborations producing and directing stage performances, while continuing to showcase his work in large-scale solo exhibitions at sendai mediatheque (2008), Marugame Genichiro-Inokuma Museum of Contemporary Art (MIMOCA) (2010), Yokohama Museum of Art (2011), etc. Currently in preparation is a solo exhibition at Art Tower Mito. Author of "Zainichi no Koibito" (Kawade Shobo Shinsha).
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