TANAKA Ryoji (Semitransparent Design)
Guest: GOTO Shigeo
Moderator: HATANAKA Minoru (ICC)
Open Salon Events by exhibiting artists of “Open Space 2015”
Artists’ Talk Semitransparent Design
Sunday, March 6, 2016, 2:00pm–
“One and Many Chairs” 2015 / photo: KIOKU Keizo
“One and Many Chairs” 2015 / photo: KIOKU Keizo
Date: Sunday, March 6, 2016, 2:00pm–
Venue: ICC 4F special stage
Capacity: 150 persons (first-come basis)
Admission free
Organizer: NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC]
Semitransparent Design
GOTO Shigeo
Editor / Professor at Kyoto University of Art and Design