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“U.S.A./Japan InterCollege Computer Music Festival” Concert 8

Tuesday, December 16, 1997, 6:30pm–8:00pm


Chiaki Mouri(KCM)
under the control for violin, piano, SGI and ISPW -1997- (8')
vl:Teduka Satomi
pf:Ayako Sato

Terry Pender(Columbia)
Cregg's Pipes for mandolin and tape -1996- (9')
mandolin:Terry Pender

Tamami Tono(Keio)
"dinergy 2" for Sho and Live Computer -1997- (13')
sho:Tamami Tono

Cort Lippe(SUNY at Buffalo)
Music for piano and computer 1996 (18')
pf:Yoshiko Shibuya

Miller Puckette(UCSD)
Improvisation for Midi pf. and SGI with Pd -1997- (7')

Date: Tuesday, December 16, 1997, 6:30pm–8:00pm
Venue: Keio University Mita Campus 518 hall


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