In this installation fluorescent lights flash on and off in response to the movement of viewers passing along a narrow passageway and sounds are generated in response to the lights. Initially the flashing lights glare in your eyes and the random sounds sound like static noise, but in time the movement of the lights may seem to have a certain regularity and the movement of the sound seem somehow rhythmical. Moreover, surrounding them in a transformed space influences the viewers in various ways.
The artist gives the example of the experience of confronting forces of natures such as fierce winds and rough waves and likens this to “information saturation.” This could be said to be the state in which something with information that cannot be understood inspires emotions that cannot be expressed in words or it is experienced as noise. For example, the intensely flashing fluorescent lights can be somewhat irritating and confusing, but adapting to such external stimulation and information is an element of this work. In response to the reactions of viewers to the flashing lights and accompanying sounds, the work transforms this behavior even further. Moreover, the artist regards the characteristics of fluorescent light materials as industrial products, with their everyday function as lights, as very important and has focused the work on their unpredictable behavior, which is caused by the instability of the light and noise that they generate.