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‘Room of Rhythmushi-san’ [2012]

NARUSE Tsubasa


“Rhythmushi” is a simple music and animation application for smartphones and tablet terminals. Other applications in this immensely popular series downloaded more than 2.8 million times in total so far include “Ototsumugi” and “OtoSketch” for generating sounds by drawing lines and pictures, as well as the “OtoBlock” sequencer for building rhythm patterns by arranging lines of blocks.

In times dominated by such new media as smartphones and tablet terminals, the “Rhythmushi” series with its exquisite balance of intuitively operable interfaces, sufficient functionality to be enjoyable also for experienced musicians, and the friendly hand-drawn “Rhythmushi-san” character, can surely be seen as a new presentation format for musical works.

Visitors to this exhibition can try out a total of nine entertaining works, including “Rhythmushi,” “Tatakimushi,” “Ototsumugi,” “OtoBlock,” “OtoSketch,” “RapMushi,” “Uranaimushi” and “SamuraiMushi” (all from the “Rhythmushi” series), plus the yet unreleased “YukiSketch” application. Also introduced here is a newly arranged version of “RapMushi,” allowing two users at once to play DJ and rapper respectively. With additional Rhythmushi-san goods and drawings on display, this room offers plenty to discover about the entertaining world of Rhythmushi-san.



List of Works