Jonathan VINEL is primarily known from “Tant qu’il nous reste des fusils à pompe,” the winner of a Golden Bear for Best Short Film at the Berlin International Film Festival, realized in collaboration with Caroline POGGI, as well as his first feature-length movie, “Jessica Forever.” This is a “machinima” work based on imagery from the game “Grand Theft Auto V.” One day Martin wakes up and finds himself in a world where all of his friends and his girlfriend have disappeared. While searching for them, his miserable feelings seem to burst out in the form of violent actions using all kinds of weapons from his naked fists to a rocket launcher. That behavior looks funny at first, but gradually develops a strangely realistic quality. The game portrays the reality of an age in which notions of game and real life overlap, and the dualistic thinking regarding games and their influence on violent actions has become outdated.
“Martin Cries” [2013]
Jonathan VINEL
“Martin Cries”