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“Light Field Theater” [2018]

MANABE Daito + SAKAMOTO Yoichi + ISHII Tatsuya


Employing technologies of stereoscopic imagery to be viewed by the naked eye, and without wearing any special equipment, the artists take their audiences to an alternative reality in which the boundaries between real and virtual image are blurred.

“Light Field Theater” is a light performance that combines real light and light reconstructed using Light Field technology, a form of visual expression known as “computational light” that is made possible by complex calculations on a computer.

As members of Rhizomatiks Research, the artists were among the first in the world to produce and present theater pieces incorporating augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technology, in collaboration with the likes of MIKIKO and ELEVENPLAY. They have also produced collaborative performances with real dancers and dancers reproduced as light, again utilizing Light Field technology. Based on research related to three-dimensional visual expression that can be viewed by the naked eye, this work follows the general direction of their previous theater endeavors blurring the boundaries between reality and fiction, by incorporating elements of AR, VR and computational light. From among four types of light installation pieces, on display at ICC are the three works point light, point lights and wireframe.

Made with the aim to develop a new style of stereoscopic imagery as close as possible to the sensation of perceiving things with the naked eye, the piece features light sources and objects controlled via a lens array and robotic arms developed by Asukanet Co., Ltd. At the same time, it rouses such questions as whether all things that the naked eye can see are reality, and what “reality” is in the first place.

Equipment Cooperation: Asukanet Co., Ltd.
Production Cooperation: Rhizomatiks co., Ltd.



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