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PACT Systems’ projects have consistently looked to a future filled with independent research and transmission of information and the development of sustainable systems, as represented by “Makrolab.” “Makrolab,” placing autonomous self-sustaining units that research telecommunications, weather, and the movements of migratory birds in isolated natural areas all over the world, transcends art and science.

The “Common Data Processing and Display Unit” (CDPDU) on display at this exhibition was created for its latest project, the “Arctic Perspective Initiative.” This unit, which fits into a suitcase, will be set up as needed during the exhibition period at the ICC in Tokyo and additionally in Canada, the U.S.A., and Slovenia, and on the Arctic Circle. It replaces and displays data fed, via an information gathering unit in the U.S.A., from locations throughout the world, including data from environmental satellites, arctic weather data, and plant growth data. The next step will be to network multiple CDPDUs that will be able to communicate and work together without being connected through a server. In addition, the information gathering unit and CDPDU network will be open to the public and available for use by artists and scientists. The CDPDU is an Open Source project in both its hardware and software.

Concept: Marko PELJHAN
Software and hardware frameworks: Matthew BIEDERMAN, UCSB MAT (Amichi AMAR, Wesley SMITH, Pablo COLAPINTO, Anil CAMCI, Andreas BURBANO), SeaDAS, NASA/Goddard Ocean Color Group, Marko PELJHAN
Enclosure engineering: Nejc TROST, Samo STOPAR, Andrej BIZJAK
Render: Nejc TROST
Workshop: C-ASTRAL Inc., Slovenia
Supported by: University of California Santa Barbara, Media Arts and Technology Program
Thanks to: George LEGRADY, C-ASTRAL Inc., Slovenia
With the support of the Ministry of Culture, Republic of Slovenia



List of Works