In this vertically oriented video installation a hi-vision projector shows edited footage, shot with a 4K single-reflex camera, of scenes of high voltage transmission cables between central Tokyo and the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant in Niigata Prefecture. During a two-and-a half year period from 2012 to 2015, the artist made frequent trips to film dams in the mountains between the two regions and towns and villages along Japanʼs longest river, the Shinano. Niigata is one of Japanʼs leading rice producers. Around 1970, with the completion of a flood control system for the purpose of diverting Shinano River water and maintaining productive paddies, an acreage reduction policy was implemented here. Around the same time plans were developed for the nuclear power plant. The mutual dependence of Tokyo and Niigata grew increasingly pronounced during Japanʼs era of rapid economic growth. This work highlights the excessively asymmetrical relationship between the capital and outlying regions as symbolized by high voltage cables, posing questions for residents of the voracious electricity consumer that is Tokyo as well as for the artist himself, a native of Niigata Prefecture who lived for some years in Tokyo.
Excellence Award in Art Division, 20th Japan Media Arts Festival