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‘2.5D World’ [2006–]



The character walks through three-dimensional, labyrinth-like space built by combining blocks, stairs, and other solid forms. If the blocks appear not to be connected, from one point of view, it is not possible to walk through the space. But change the point of view, and blocks that are separated will seem to be connected, not in terms of actual three-dimensional space but in their apparent positional relationship. In that case, the character can walk or jump between those two points and continue to move through the space.

What appears as three-dimensional space on the monitor is actually projected on the screen, a two-dimensional space. But we grasp it experientially as a three-dimensional space, constructed inside our heads. What if, in that apparent space, actions are performed that differ from those that should be possible in a three-dimensional space? Here, FUJIKI Jun has brought together works that achieve, on the computer, the trompe-l’oeil space he describes as a 2.5-dimensional world, utilizing the illusions that arise when three-dimensional space is expressed in terms of two dimensions.

In “Incompatible BLOCK,” for example, it is possible to have a block that has been placed on the floor and then to arrange another block between it and the floor without changing the apparent position of the first block. In “Constellation,” when a cluster of dots is recognized by the computer as a human form, it starts walking. Dot-composed characters that have been recognized as human beings or dogs or other pre-defined characters may suddenly morph into other characters.



List of Works