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Lintang RADITTYA is an instrument builder and sound/electronic artist based in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, whose current interests include DIY analog electronics, the relationship between sound and space, randomness, Javanese futurism, and the intersections of electroacoustic, interactive, and experimental music. He has taught workshops, held exhibitions, performed live, lectured, and created unique instruments and installations at many locations and festivals around the world, including CTM Festival (Berlin, 2019), Nusasonic (Yogyakarta, 2018), SynthFest (Malaysia, 2017), and the Holland Festival at STEIM (Amsterdam, 2017). Lintang also founded Kenali Rangkai Pakai, a project focused on the research and development of DIY synthesizers in Indonesia, and initiated, which attempts to document and database synthesizer culture (both building and development) in Indonesia.


Exhibitions & Events