
"Der Wald"
"The Way"
From Gallery
Tams Waliczky - Anne-Marie Duguet
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Participation Artist's
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Artist Talk

Jan. 19(Fri)- Feb. 12(Mon),1996 [Finished] NTT / ICC Gallery


"Der Wald(The Forest)"
Computer animation, 4' 54"

The subject of this animated work is a fog-enshrouded forest of dead trees, which extend infinitely in all directions. Whether the viewer progresses forward or backward, left or right, up or down, he or she never reaches the end of the forest.

Neither the ground, the sky or the horizon ever appear on the screen; the same trees continue to show up over and over again. The work has no starting or finishing point, and there are no markers to indicate location. This allows for the presentation of a limitless construction, in which the laws of perspective are only partially valid.

This animation also expresses the surrealistic state of travelers who drift along endlessly without reaching a destination.

Storyboard: Tams Waliczky and Anna Szepesi
Singer: Christine Feuchter
Sound recording and editing: Gerhard Wolfstieg
Directed and animated: Tams Waliczky
Produced by Zentrum fr Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe

(c) Tams Waliczky and Anna Szepesi