Inte/R/efugee Republic/Net
By now the number of displaced persons world-wide has reached one percent of the world population.
Refugees and migrants appear to present a massive global problem.
The historical refugee republics of modern history, the U.S.A. foremost, show that a steady flow of foreigners is an essential part of the success of the richest country in the world; while consciousness of this fact is at an all-time worldwide low.
At the same time, national borders all over the world become ever less physically permeable. The easy availability of surveillance electronics and "passive" war machinery, especially mines, allows the projection of physical borders whim with a minimum of effort. Ethnic, national, and geographical zones of tolerance fall victim to the transportation and information revolution/explosion.
Configured as a trans-global net and inculcating its own form of Statehood, the world's refugees population in toto are the best (perhaps only) candidates to become a socio-economic and political/ideological avant-garde of the Millennium.
An experimental supra-territorial state is called for which is multi-cultural, multi-religious, multi-lingual, able to anticipate socio-ideological and economic challenges and conduct experiments which force solutions as well as make them possible. Such an entity would act as a structural model for the rest of the world.
NTT, the biggest company on earth (by capitalization) is now also the largest single investor into the Refugee Republic Corporation. This involvement is in tune with NTT's global vision and advanced communication concepts.
It should therefore be no surprise that Refugee Republic has choosen NTT's ICC to be a partner in this project.
We are looking forward to a truly global partnership in tele-adventures, starting with the inception of the Refugee Republic on NTT's Tele-Territory.