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book guide 50

Without being noticed, art and science have both had their territories greatly reduced to the extent that they have become considered as different categories that do not overlap with each other in the same field.
However, at some point in the past, the two words, Ars (art) and Scientia (science) not only included human knowledge and technology, but also both words jointly resided in each other's world.
Panofsky said that, later, all the elements that branched out in the name of natural science were crowded in the artists' studios of the Renaissance. Now again, we are going to have to start to extract those thoughts from the many books around us.

ITOH Toshiharu

Translation: ANDO Aki

01 Leon Battista ALBERTI Della Pittura

02 Henri

03  Filipo Tommaso MARINETTI Manifeste de Fondation du Futurisme

04 Antonio SANT'ELIA L'architettura futurista. Manifesto

05 Walter GROPIUS Das Bauhaus Manifest

06  Paul VALLRY Eupalinos ou L'Architecte

07  LE CORBUSIER Vers une Architecture

08  Sergei Mikhailovich EISENSTEIN Film Form (ed. Jay LEYDA)

09  Andre BRETON Manifeste du surrealisme

10  Erwin PANOFSKY

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11  Laszlo MOHOLY-NAGY Malerei Fotografie Film

12  Georges BATAILLE Documents et La Critique Sociale


14  Walter BENJAMIN Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbar-keit

15  Maurice MERLEAU-PONTY Phenomenologie de la Perception

16  Andre MALRAUX

17  Norbert WIENER Cybernetics

18 Lewis MUMFORD  Art and Technics

19  Aldous HUXLEY The Doors of Perception

20 Gyorgy KEPES  The New Landscape in Art and Science

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21 Pierre FRANCASTEL  Art et Technique aux XIXe et XXe siecles

22 Marcel DUCHAMP (ed. Michel SANOUILLET)  Duchamp du Signe

23 Reyner BANHAM  Theory and Design in the First Machine Age

24 C. P. SNOW  The Two Cultures and Scientific Revolution

25 R. Buckminster FULLER and Robert W. MARKS  The Dymaxion World of Buckminster Fuller

26 Martin HEIDEGGER  Die Technik und die Kehre

27 Marshall MCLUHAN  Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man

28 Andre LEROI-GOURHAN  Le Geste et la Parole


30 Philip K. DICK  Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

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31 K. G. Pontus HULTEN  The Machine: as seen at the end of the mechanical age

32 Gregory BATESON  Steps to an Ecology of Mind

33 Paolo SOLERI  The Bridge Between Matter and Spirit is Matter Becoming Spirit

34 J. G. BALLARD  Crash

35 Timothy LEARY  Neuropolitics: The Sociobiology of Human Metamorphosis

36 James J. GIBSON  The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception

37 David MARR  Vision:A Computational Investigation into the Human Representation and Processing of Visual Information

38 Benoit B. MANDELBROT  The Fractal Geometry of Nature

39 Walter Jackson ONG  Orality and Literacy

40 William GIBSON  Neuromancer

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41 Ilya PRIGOGINE and Isabelle STENGERS  Order out of Chaos: Man's New Dialogue with Nature

42 Humberto MATURANA and Francisco VARELA  El Arbol del Conocimiento

43 Marvin MINSKY  The Society of Mind

44 Douglas R. HOFSTADTER  Metamagical Themas



47 Rudy RUCKER  Mind Tools: The Five Levels of Mathematical Reality

48 Clifford STOLL  The Cuckoo's Egg: Tracking a Spy through the Maze of Computer Espionage

49 Michael BENEDIKT (ed.)  Cyberspace: First Steps

50 Jay David BOLTER

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