Honore Daumier, "La Caricature"

Description of the Art Work

"La Caricature", 1832: in 1830 Charles Philipon a liberal journalist who had founded the opposition journal "La Caricature" invited Daumier to become contributor. Daumier did a satirical drawing of King Louis-Philipe Gargentua.

Description of incident

1832 France: Daumier did a satirical drawing of the King Louis-Philipe for which he served six months in prison at Ste-Pelagie.

Results of incident

1832 France: The journal was suppressed.

Source: Banned Books 387 B.C. to 1978 A.D., by Anne Lyon Haight, and Chandler B. Grannis, R.R. Bowker Co, 1978.

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Record no 247