Claudio, Dayton Paintings

Description of the Art Work

Sacramento, CA.- ''Madonna'', 1991, acrylic on ceconite, 5 ft. x 9 ft., one week, nude female figure.

San Francisco, CA.- ''J. F. K.'', 1992, acrylic on ceconite, 8 ft., x 5ft., two weeks, assassination, (and Madonna ) .

Raleigh, NC- ''Sex, Laws and Coathangers'', 1992, mixed media on ceconite. (still pending, abortion and freedom of information).

Description of incident

Sacramento CA. - ''Madonna '', was covered with black plastic by Federal officials; and asked me to remove painting from show. I declined. Furthermore, I initially stated ," Madonna was inappropriate for a public location.

San Francisco, CA . - ''J. F. K.'' and '' Madonna '', were almost immediately removed from the walls after I left the building. They informed me they were obscene and politically inappropriate, and asked me to pick them up.

Raleigh, N. C. - '' Sex, Laws and Coathangers '', was covered and removed within 30 minutes of hanging - officials initially stating the painting was, ''Obscene, controversial and political in nature.'' They refused arbitration by A. C. L. U. and Hunton and Williams law firm .

Results of incident

Sacramento CA. - ''Madonna''; a lot of media pressure - interviews, articles, radio talk show --resulting in government removing of plastic and allowing show to continue for scheduled time (one month ). There were 8 paintings in show.

San Francisco, CA. - ''J. F. K.'', and '' Madonna ''; I contacted California Lawyers for the Arts, who contacted A. C. L. U. and 'Cooper, White and Cooper Law Firm. Government declined arbitration efforts by A.C.L.U. , and C.W. & C. threatened with law suit. The government reinstated show. Also there was a great deal of media pressur & C. threatened with law suit. The government reinstated show. Also there was a great deal of media pressure from local press and a special segment by C.N.N. on censorship. There were 2 paintings in the show.

Raleigh, N. C., '' Sex, Laws and Coathangers''; was appealed to G. S. A. regional office to reinstate show - they declined. We appealed for summary judgment, but lost. We appealed to the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals in D. C.; and currently awaiting decision. My lawyers are not optimistic about outcome. I will appeal to the Supreme Court if I have to.

Source: Dayton Claudio, Chico, CA (Material on file: The Sacramento Bee, The News and Observer, Raleigh. N. C., Arts Censorship Project Newsletter, Gauntlet, Springfield, P. A.)

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