Wenger Photos at John Hancock Building

Description of the Art Work

Black and White photographs. Nude self-portraits. The photographs are small, abstract images. No faces. The viewer only knows that they are self-portraits because I have acknowledged it.

Description of incident

The work was exhibited at the John Hancock Center as part of a group show by members of Artemisia Gallery. After I hung the eight photographs, I received a telephone call from Mr. Briggs from the John Hancock Center asking me to remove them. Shocked, I asked why and was told that they (the JHC people) were led to believe the work was to be "tastefull". I said that although "tastefull" was a word I never used, these nudes fit that description. They said remove them or they would remove them. I said no, and if you do, you will have to answer for it. I then called the newspapers. The rest is history. All three Chicago papers wrote articles about the incident and it was also broadcast on network news (probably local, I never saw it). The story was picked up by UPI and UP and friends sent me articles from various areas in the country. Various magazines were interested in publishing them. I declined. I have a complete file of articles, letters, etc.

Results of incident

The JHC removed the photographs and it was covered in the news. There were no support groups to combat censorship at that time. (Actually my work had been censored before in Spokane, WA [male nudes with genitals!!]) Artemisia, in a show of support, removed all the other art work from the walls. I received various and some bizarre letters. My mailman decided to visit me when he delivered my mail (he walked through my open front door and put his mail pouch down, thinking? Maybe he could get some? [action that is]). I received some phone calls, hi Jane, remember me? I met you at the beach last summer, blah blah, etc. Since context is everything, it affected my work and how it was perceived. But since "we" have such a short memory, the work is certainly no longer tainted. In no time at all, everybody forgot about it.

Source: Jane Wenger typed these words.

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