The ICC Kids Program 2009 is pleased to hold "playful learning," under the supervision of Mr. UEDA Nobuyuki (Professor, Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts and Director, neomuseum) who specializes in practical studies in learning environment design and multimedia education.
With the exhibition space itself positioned as a learning medium to help develop the sensitivity to enjoy "learning," the theme of this exhibition is the "creative learning process" whereby participants generate their own ideas and interpretations. This is where an experimental learning with an exhibition of media art can be experienced as workshops by everyone from children to adults, all within a specially-designed learning environment.
We hope that each of you will become an artist, a designer, and a performer in this exhibition and share in the "learning" that is inherent in all playful and creative experiences.
Profile of Supervisor: UEDA Nobuyuki Professor, Department of Childhood Studies, Faculty of Contemporary Social Studies, Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts / Director, neomuseum
UEDA Nobuyuki was born in 1950. After graduating from Doshisha University, he studied at the College of Graduate Studies of Central Michigan University and at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. He received an Ed. D. from Harvard University. Specializing in education technology, Prof. UEDA focuses on practical studies concerning learning environment design and multimedia education. He has been involved in a variety of projects with "learning art" as the keyword. This includes his involvement in the development team of NHK's educational program for children, "Okasan to Issho." He established an experimental studio called the "neomuseum" on the banks of the Yoshino River in Nara Prefecture, and since 1990 he has conducted almost 50 experimental workshops there. Currently, Prof. UEDA is working on practical studies based on the novel concept of "playful learning," which creates enriched learning opportunities from communications woven between human beings. He is a coauthor of "Living Spirituality" (2002, Serica Shobo) and "Playful Pieces" (1999, Child Research Net.) His works include "Playful Notes" (2008, CSK Holdings.) "Playful Thinking" (Sendenkaigi) will be published in July 2009. neomuseum website: